Friday, February 25, 2011

Facebook Functionality, A question of debate and much to be researched

This was my 5th experience with facebook. I do not know what kind of interface they are using. So rude. So unfriendly. They scold you if you do not fill a information. I was filling my college name, they were showing school name. I tried to delete the account, I could not find one. I tried to locate 'contact us' button, I could not find one. Buttons and navigations are so uncommon and non cultural to internet environment. I am a veteran using internet since its inception. So irritating and utterly frustrating that I would never use it again. May be for my site, i would do some additions. But I hate facebook. Simply. How could this be successful.

A question of debate and much to be researched.

Facebook Functionality, A question of debate and much to be researched

This was my 5th experience with facebook. I do not know what kind of interface they are using. So rude. So unfriendly. They scold you if you do not fill a information. I was filling my college name, they were showing school name. I tried to delete the account, I could not find one. Buttons and navigations are so uncommon and non cultural to internet environment. I am a veteran using internet since its inception. So irritating and utterly frustrating that I would never use it again. May be for my site, i would do some additions. But I hate facebook. Simply. How could this be successful.

A question of debate and much to be researched.

Facebook Functionality, A question of debate and much to researched

This was my 5th experience with facebook. I do not know what kind of interface they are using. So rude. So unfriendly. They scold you if you do not fill a information. I was filling my college name, they were showing school name. I tried to delete the account, I could not find one. Buttons and navigations are so uncommon and non cultural to internet environment. I am a veteran using internet since its inception. So irritating and utterly frustrating that I would never use it again. May be for my site, i would do some additions. But I hate facebook. Simply. How could this be successful.

A question of debate and much to be researched.

Facebook Functionality, A question of debate and much to researched.

This was my 5th experience with facebook. I do not know what kind of interface they are using. So rude. So unfriendly. They scold you if you do not fill a information. I was filling my college name, they were showing school name. I tried to delete the account, I could not find one. Buttons and navigations are so uncommon and non cultural to internet environment. I am a veteran using internet since its inception. So irritating and utterly frustrating that I would never use it again. May be for my site, i would do some additions. But I hate facebook. Simply. How could this be successful.

A question of debate and much to researched.

Tabla Loops for Music Production